The hardest part of any surgery is recovery, and wisdom tooth removal is no exception. Sure, there’s the whole “someone cutting open your jaw” part of the procedure, but you get to sleep through that. Afterward, you have to care for your wounds, avoid infections, and not do anything to tear your stitches open. This can be difficult enough if the stitches are on, for example, your stomach. It’s even harder when the stitches are in your mouth. Follow these simple tips, and you’ll be back to eating your favorite foods in no time.
What Can I Eat Immediately After Wisdom Tooth Removal?
The first three days will the most challenging part of your recovery. The wounds will still be swollen and have blood clots on them. You’ll need to avoid disturbing the wounds in any way, which means you’ll want to eat foods that don’t require any chewing.
Soup (not the chunky kind) is a good choice, although you’ll want to drink it cold or at room temperature since warm foods can increase inflammation and irritate your wounds. Other good room-temperature foods include broth, mashed potatoes, hummus, cottage cheese, and applesauce. Cold smoothies and ice cream can be very soothing as well.
Make sure you’re following your dentist’s instructions and using an antiseptic mouthwash after meals to prevent infections.
What Can I Eat 4 Days After Wisdom Tooth Removal?
In about four days, the swelling will have subsided enough that you can eat soft foods that require minimal chewing. You can also start eating warm foods again, so take advantage! Eggs, fish, and oatmeal are all delicious and high in protein, which will speed up healing.
From four days after wisdom tooth removal up to about a week afterward, you’ll want to slowly introduce foods like toast, fruit, and meat. Do this slowly, and cut meat into small pieces at first. As before, you’ll want to continue using mouthwash after every meal, and follow any other instructions from your dentist
What Foods Should I Avoid After Wisdom Tooth Removal?
There are a few things you’ll definitely want to avoid after your surgery. Tough or chewy foods like jerky and nuts are obviously out, but you should also avoid acidic or spicy foods like orange juice or spicy soups. Grains are also a bad idea because they can get stuck in your wounds and lead to infection. This includes not only rice and quinoa but also multi-grain bread with whole pieces of grain.
One common mistake people make is drinking through a straw. You’d think this would be a good idea since you barely have to move your jaw to use a straw. However, sucking on a straw can cause blood clots to pull off your gum before they’re ready. This can lead to infection, or just a long and painful recovery.
Smoking should also be avoided, so why not take the opportunity to quit? And alcoholic beverages should be avoided for at least the first few days. The alcohol can thin your blood, increase inflammation, and slow down healing. Also, alcohol can interact with your pain medication.
Avoid these things, eat plenty of soft, healthy foods, and you’ll soon be smiling again.
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