
Saturday, November 10, 2018

Can You Use Black Currant Oil To Treat Hair Loss?

Hair loss: it’s inevitable for some, dreaded by most, and frustrating to say the least.

Hair loss in both men and women is generally an inherited trait and effects as much as 50% of the population. With dozens of available treatments on the market, it can be difficult for consumers to determine which treatments are effective and which are simply snake oil.

Black currant oil is one product currently advertised as a cure for hair loss. What’s the truth behind black currant oil? Is it a hoax, or is it a helpful treatment?

In this article, we’ll examine some of the factors that can predispose men and women to pattern baldness. Then, we’ll look into black currant oil’s properties and the claims about its benefits. Finally, we’ll come to a conclusion about its true effectiveness.

Talk with your doctor before beginning use of black currant oil. It may interfere or interact with certain medications, or cause side effects in individuals with certain pre-existing medical conditions.

What causes balding in the first place?

While female and male pattern baldness is common, the causes are varied. For some individuals, the calcification of scalp blood vessels causes decreased blood flow and nutrients to hair follicles. For others, though, the change in hair thickness is caused by hormones.

When your body produces hormones, it also produces hormonal byproducts. These help your body stay healthy and functional. Some hormonal byproducts, however, can cause problems.

One such byproduct is dihydrotestosterone (also known as DHT). DHT is created when your body produces testosterone. If you’re a woman, don’t stop reading here: men and women both have testosterone in varying amounts, so you are also susceptible to the effects of DHT.

High levels of DHT are responsible for hair growth on bodily areas other than the head, such as chest hair growth. It also assists other minor physiological processes.

The problems happen when an individual inherits genetics that predisposes them to certain DHT functions. For some people, DHT attaches to hair follicles. This attachment slowly weakens the follicle until it stops producing hair. If your family has a history of baldness, you may be predisposed to DHT attachment on your scalp hair follicles.

Black currant seed oil is helpful for reducing hair loss because it blocks DHT. Keep reading to find out how DHT is blocked by black currant oil:

What is black currant oil?

Black currants are tart berries native to Asian and European countries. The seeds of the black currant plant have several necessary nutrients, including omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

What are fatty acids?

Casually, people tend to group all kinds of fat into a single group: “dietary fat.” However, there are many types of dietary fat. Each type has its own benefits or side effects (or both). It’s important to consume the right types of fat to nourish your body and promote good health.

If you eat a well-rounded diet, your body can create almost any kind of fat it needs from existing resources. This means that, if you forget to include a certain kind of fat in your diet, your body can synthesize it. Nevertheless, there are two kinds of fat your body cannot ever create: omega-3 and omega-6. Because your body can’t make these, it’s important to ensure you consume enough of each to remain healthy.

While few people are fatty acid deficient, some researchers believe it could be helpful to increase intake for health benefits.

How could fatty acids in black currant seed oil prevent hair loss?

Black currant oil contains a specific type of omega-3 fatty acid, known as gamma linoleic acid (GLA). Gamma-linoleic acid has many functions. It can decrease inflammation, prevent or reduce some birth defects, and help with weight loss.

It can also regulate DHT, the hormone that attaches to hair follicles and causes baldness. Not only can it regulate DHT, but it can also block the attachment of DHT to hair follicles. Blocking DHT’s attachment to hair follicles helps keep them healthy. Some individuals have even taken black currant seed oil and seen hair loss reversal.

How do you use black currant seed oil for hair growth?


Generally, individuals hoping to take black currant seed oil to help with hair loss will take a capsule. Dosage ranges from 500 mg to 1500 mg per day. For those taking higher doses, most experts recommend buying a low-dose capsule and taking one capsule at each meal.

Before beginning treatment, individuals should consult with their doctor. Black currant seed oil is good for hair growth, but can interfere with some medications and preexisting health conditions.

Time to results

Hair regrowth can only happen after GLA has begun healing the hair follicles. Because this takes time, you may need to be patient to see results.

In addition, the body uses GLA in other places. Not all of the black currant seed oil in your capsule will go toward hair growth; some will help decrease inflammation or nourish your skin. You might start noticing improvements in your health aside from hair regrowth before you see results related to your hair.

If your body attached DHT to your hair follicles, you should see results from taking black currant oil within a few months. Take “before” pictures when you begin treatment so that you can realistically track your progress.

Not all baldness is caused by DHT, so you may need to try other treatments. However, black currant seed oil is one of the safer and more successful treatments available. It’s generally a good idea to try taking supplements with GLA for a few months before moving to another treatment.

Final Thoughts about Black Currant Oil

Thanks to modern science, we’re able to detect some of the causes of male and female pattern baldness. One of these causes – DHT attachment – can be easily reversed with black currant seed oil. If you’re frustrated by balding, talk with your doctor about starting black currant seed oil today.


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