
Saturday, November 10, 2018

Best Tennis Shoes for High Arches

When researching types of shoes for foot problems, many articles focus on either under-pronation (foot roll to the outside) or over-pronation (foot roll in, or flat feet). But what about people who have high arches? If that’s you, you need to find the best tennis shoes for high arches.

A person with a high arch tends to put more stress on the balls and heels of their feet, which can result in other issues like stress fractures or ruptures in ligaments. People with high arches can have a more difficult time because they cannot flatten their feet.

A medical visit may be necessary to diagnose the cause of the high arch. After that is established, finding the appropriate shoe can help alleviate at least some of the issues.

Finding the Best Tennis Shoes for High Arches


The most important aspect of tennis shoes for people with high arches is cushioning. Well-cushioned shoes give the foot an extra barrier that serves as shock absorption. This can help alleviate the pressure on the ball and heel of the foot.

Best Tennis Shoes for High Arches  Support

People with high arches also have a tendency to stay on the outside of their feet, so finding footwear that has arch support is crucial.

Unfortunately, most shoes do not have enough arch support to address high arches, so it might be necessary to add insoles or custom orthotics to the shoe to achieve adequate support.

This can be addressed at the doctor when an initial diagnosis is made, or by visiting a store that can do 3D mapping of feet to determine the measure of support needed. In a pinch, Dr. Scholl’s kiosks are in many chain drugstores, like Wal-Mart, and they provide quick foot-mapping with color-coded insoles.

Top of the foot 

Another aspect that many people with high arches do not consider is the comfort of the top of the foot. Because of the high arch, there is a tendency for the top of the foot to rub against the tongue of the shoe, which can cause abrasions, blisters, and other general discomfort.

To prevent this from occurring, look for a shoe that has extra padding on the tongue. In addition, consider tying the shoes in a different manner to prevent chafing. By loose lacing the shoe (putting the laces through every other eyelet), pressure points on top of the foot are lessened.

When looking for the best shoe to support high arches, all of the above should be taken into consideration first. Then one can move on to other aspects, such as construction, durability, and materials.

As with shoes for other foot problems, many are made of mesh or other breathable fabrics. Lightweight flexibility of the shoe is also key, as shoes that are too heavy or rigid will be very unforgiving and could cause more damage to the foot.

There are some shoes that can address both high arches and either under- or over-pronation. Regardless, the final decision should be made only after going to a store and actually trying on the shoes.


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