
Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Best Shoes for Treadmill Walking

Walking on the treadmill to get the exercise we need is increasingly popular. Because most treadmills have built-in shock absorption, there is less impact on knee and ankle joints. Some people prefer treadmills because they can read while they walk, and others like that they can watch television while still getting their exercise. Regardless of why you may choose this form, it is still important to know how to find the best shoes for treadmill walking. Best Shoes for Treadmill Walking

What to consider

There are many factors that go into deciding what type of shoe would be best for this type of exercise. Answering some of these questions first will help you decide which shoes will be best for you.

Foot type

Know your foot type. This is probably the most vital question to answer first. Do you have flat feet (over-pronation), high arches (under-pronation) or normal feet? Having the wrong shoe for your feet is detrimental regardless of the choice of exercise.

If you aren’t sure what type of foot you have, see your doctor for a diagnosis. If that seems like too much, many athletic shoe stores can do a 3D mapping of your foot, and then assist you in finding choices for your consideration.


Once you have confirmed what type of foot you have, you can consider how heavy you want the shoe to be. Most shoes that are designed for walking are lightweight, but you want to take care that they still have enough padding to support the constant tread of the exercise.


Having enough cushion for support can get tricky, and it all comes back to the type of foot you have. You need to make sure that there is ample cushion for constant tread, but that there is also enough to support any other foot issues. Not all cushioning is the same, and once again, having a shoe that is not cushioned in the right places for your foot could be detrimental to your joints.


You want to stay on track with your treadmill walking? Your shoe needs to be comfortable. If the shoe is all tricked out with the latest fad in walking shoes, but you get blisters, or they feel too heavy, you’ve probably just wasted a lot of time and money. Try to find a shoe that has a balance of everything you need or want but is still comfortable.

Other Considerations

It goes without saying that there are obviously some types of shoes that are just not suitable for treadmill walking. Aside from being impractical, they can actually be quite harmful. For example, some people think that crocs or clogs are comfortable for every day walking, so why shouldn’t they be okay for treadmill walking?

Shoes like those, or flip flops, or even high heels and platforms may certainly be okay for walking around. But they are not made for a constant, repetitive tread of walking on a treadmill. They do not have the proper support, nor do they have the proper cushioning. You will inevitably do more damage to your joints if you choose to wear these types of shoes to exercise.

Your best options will be to follow the above guidance, by identifying your foot type and then determining what your shoe will require. You should also always go to a store and actually try shoes on before buying them. If you know what to look for, it shouldn’t be too hard to find the best shoes for treadmill walking.


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